
Mentoring Programme (CMI Level 5)

This programme is ideal for organisations looking to introduce a formal mentoring scheme.

The 5-day mentor training programme runs over 6-8 months. (Two consecutive days, a 6-8 week break, followed by 2 additional days, each with a 6-8 week break in-between). A one-day assignment workshop would run mid-programme.

Training delivery days are practically focused and make use of a wide range of interactive group techniques and practice sessions including coaching trios and action learning.

4 Training days cover the following:

  • Introduction to mentoring
  • Differences between mentoring and coaching
  • Coaching models and skills to be used in mentoring
  • Mentoring tools and techniques
  • Contracting
  • Use of journalling
  • Problem-solving techniques
  • Setting boundaries – guidelines and protocols
  • How mentoring fits with the bigger picture in your organisation
  • Practice sessions
  • Setup of Action Learning Sets

Mentor practice sessions and Action Learning Sets would run in-between the training days giving the delegates maximum opportunity to practice.


CMI Level 5 Management Coaching and Mentoring, Unit 5018V1 – Mentoring Practice and Theory.


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