
Accredited management training: a case study


Selwood Housing are a UK based housing association with a mix of team leader and manager roles across a broad range of functions, from internal services (HR, Finance, IT and Marketing), to roles covering housing management and trade operatives.


Selwood want to provide management and leadership training that supports individuals from where they currently are e.g. they could be preparing for a team leader role, or newly promoted or a more experienced manager that wants to grow in confidence. Selwood have opted to provide accredited training to their managers as writing an assignment reinforces the training and is considered a reward for those attending.  Undertaking a qualification serves to professionalise people management.


Selwood Housing have worked with Rachel Arts and Talentstorm, for a number of years. Rachel’s first-hand knowledge of housing associations has been invaluable in developing a robust programme that is delivered at the right level.

Rachel says, ‘Although we have adapted various programme elements over the years, our ‘core’ offer remains the same, and is in line with what we know to work with organisations.’

This offer includes:

  • Engaging with line managers of programme attendees to get full buy-in and support.
  • A strong focus on identification of attendees individual needs at the start of the programme.
  • Building in a coaching element to the programme to help attendees with applying learnings to their own situations.
  • Core modules delivered by multiple trainers to allow for variety in expertise and delivery style.
  • Individual support with assignment writing.
  • A ‘tailored’ programme that meets the organisations needs as well as covering key aspects of the accreditation partner – the Chartered Management Institute.
  • A review process to reinforce learning. This also includes the line managers of programme attendees.
  • A flexible model that can be delivered face to face or as a fully online programme using blended learning.


The below comments come from delegates from the 2021 cohort (this was a fully online programme):

How do you feel your approach to management has changed:

‘I’ve introduced the Stop, Start and Continue tool in our one to ones’

‘I have a more streamlined approach to managing and am more productive as an individual’

‘I’m more confident in expressing my views/feelings toward anything within my team, other colleagues and managers’

‘I consciously try to spend more time with the team. This increases team members opportunities as they are learning new skills without them realizing which frees up my capacity.’

How will this benefit Selwood Housing?

‘This saves Selwood no end, with the knock-on effect’

‘I encourage my team to find solutions for themselves but I give direction – like the model we covered on situational leadership’

‘I’m willing to adapt to change and continuing to be dynamic. I’m doing the best for the team and the business needs’

Feedback from line managers of the delegates

‘More evidence of teamwork – across different teams’

‘My team member is now speaking up more in department meetings, they’re more comfortable in a team environment’

‘My team member is very capable and competent, their confidence has grown, they talk now more about how to deal with situations’

‘Delegating more confidently’

‘I can see them stepping outside of their comfort zones and working on more strategic tasks’


Client Feedback from Kelly Hilbert, Learning & Development Business Partner, Selwood Housing


1.What made you decide to work with Rachel and Talentstorm for your Team Leader Programmes?

We started working with Rachel when she was Director of L&D at Aster.  We were pleased with the management programme she delivered for us and so wanted to remain with Rachel for our subsequent programmes

2.What results did you see for your Team Leaders and Managers?

Many of the managers who had sat the programme were very proud of their accomplishment! A CMI qualification! They were also using their new and developed skills daily.  Some have said how they were already doing some activities/behaviours but that having a theory behind it made it more meaningful.  Some of our delegates had little or no management experience and had worked on the ‘tools’ but were now embarking on the new territory of people management and this programme felt daunting but with the flexibility of two levels (3 or 5) and lots of encouragement and support from Rachel and her team, they all achieved it! And are encouraging colleagues to do the same.

3. How important are these Programmes at Selwood?

Its really important for Selwood to develop its leadership and the CMI programme is a great way to do this and provide a qualification

4. How did you find working with Rachel for the delivery of the Programmes?

Working with Rachel is great.  She is flexible and understands our needs right away.  She has got to know our business and always finds a plan that fits with our needs and our budget

5.What would you say to anyone considering embarking on working on this area?

Definitely find a provider you can work well with to get the best content for your programme.  Ours has evolved over the years and its been exciting seeing it grow and develop with our changing business


Interested in talking to us about a Leadership Programme for your organisation? We run Team Leader Programmes, Manager and Leader Programmes, and Future Leader Programmes. Book a conversation today or email rachel@talentstorm.co.uk – we’d love to hear from you!

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