
Revolutionising Learning Content Creation with AI Tools

Recently, I’ve been supporting many clients with their Learning Management Systems (LMS’s)—either selecting them or helping them to use their systems to their full potential. There’s a lot changing in the Learning Systems space right now, especially with the increased use of AI tools, and I want to tell you more about it!

Embracing AI in Learning Content Creation

I’ve had the opportunity to play with some of the latest built-in authoring tools that incorporate language models like ChatGPT as well as the ability to put this into an interactive content with appropriate images. However, while the idea of uploading a PowerPoint or other document and having it magically convert into content sounds ideal, the reality is that it rarely provides a finished product. However, what it can offer are ideas and extra material when needed.

Chat GPT

Let me share an example. This week, I had to build an e-learning module from a PowerPoint deck. Without access to the ‘knowledge expert’ to fill in the gaps, I had lots of bullet point information and models but not the background. By uploading the content to ChatGPT and specifically asking for introductory text for each section, I was able to get usable paragraphs.

Additionally, I received suggestions for interactive content after informing ChatGPT about the LMS functionality I was using. ChatGPT also suggested scenarios and quiz questions, which it excels at generating.

Limitations of AI in Content Authoring

I then tried uploading the original powerpoint to a content authoring tool, and had not just text created, but the full range of visuals and interactive elements, all built out for me. I found this was great for ideas, but not all of it was ‘quite right’, so some ‘reverse engineering’ was needed. Creating individual elements, rather than whole courses, such as Course outlines, quiz questions and the like seem to be a really nice quick win with these new tools, however.

Disrupting Traditional Content Creation Models

AI tools are disrupting traditional models of content creation that many learning content creators have been taught to follow. The old way of creating a blueprint or storyboard, getting it signed off, and then laboriously building out the content is evolving. The ‘upload your old content and let it be transformed’ approach, while not a one-click solution, allows for easier integration directly into your authoring tool rather than via a storyboard or Word document. Many content authoring tools now have built-in review functions, making it easier for stakeholders to add their comments.

 A Cautionary Note

It’s important to note that just because something can be automatically created doesn’t mean it’s what is needed. Editing content—deciding what stays and what goes—is a critical skill that comes from understanding the content’s purpose. Making content creation too easy could lead to a proliferation of poor-quality content created by those without the necessary knowledge and insight.

AI-Powered LMS Content Authoring Tools:

Here are three LMS content authoring tools I’ve used/reviewed recently:

1.   TalentLMS:

•   Entry-level LMS with AI options as part of its Talentcraft suite.

•   Allows creation of learning elements (process flashcards, questions, etc.) from a prompt or import documents to automatically turn them into content.

My verdict – good to a point but I found myself using ChatGPT in addition for more flexibility around content creation – getting more specifically what I needed such as an outline or introductory paragraph.

2.   AbsorbLMS:

•   Suitable for both employee and customer training.

•   Excellent AI content authoring via Absorb Create, which can scan and build a course from a PDF or website. It can also work on the structure an outline independently to the main content creation. Includes H5P so having interactive videos is a great feature.

•   Features include branching/optional pages and an extensive library of icons and shapes.

My verdict – really great as an authoring tool with pretty much everything you need in the one tool.

3.   Evolve:

•   Offered by Intellum, this tool can be used independently of the Intellum platform.

•   Provides over 60 different component choices, creating top-notch content with a custom website look and feel.

•   There’s a learning curve, but it’s a favourite among many Instructional Designers.

My verdict – let’s just say I may invest in a license for this one, it is affordable for a freelancer/small business, and is a good competitor to Articulate Storyline.

In Summary

The new tools are here, and they’re only going to become more widely available. If you haven’t yet started to experiment with and take advantage of them, you could be missing a trick. If your content authoring tool doesn’t yet use AI, you may want to consider some alternatives. Ultimately, it’s all about the outcomes and the content experience for the user. With so much functionality already available—such as with H5P—if you’re not using an up-to-date content tool, your content may quickly look outdated.


If you’re interest in help with selecting the right LMS for your organisation or maximising the potential of your current system, please get in touch at rachel@talentstorm.co.uk. I’d love to discuss how we can enhance your learning and development initiatives together.

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